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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-07 13:02:46    

一,吃什么 补什么 夏天吃布丁 蚊子就不叮

What to eat and what to eat in the summer to eat pudding mosquitoes do not bite

二,就这天气 男朋友跟别人跑了我也不想追

In this weather, my boyfriend ran off with someone else, and I don't want to chase him

三,夏 天 这 样 打 字 散 热 快

Typing in summer is fast

四,手机有钉钉 蚊子就叮叮

If the mobile phone has nails, the mosquitoes will sting

五,“今年夏天又40℃了” “请你吃冰淇淋”

"This summer is 40 ° C again." "Please eat ice cream


I hope the watermelon grandma cut this summer doesn't smell of garlic


I hope summer is like the heart of a peach soda.


The wind is already the smell of summer

九,希望这个夏天 西瓜甜一点 爱我多一点

I hope the watermelon is sweeter this summer. Love me a little more

十,希望这个夏天 有惊喜 有心动 有人陪我吹晚风.

I hope that there will be surprises and heartbeats this summer. Someone will accompany me to blow the evening breeze.


In the summer, please ask the sun father-in-law not to work so hard


Trying to sell summer orange soda to van Gogh, who ran out of paint


Soda lowering the temperature is a summer adventure

十四,夏天的晚风轻轻吹动窗里的帘子 暮色朦胧

The evening wind in summer gently blew the curtains in the window


Cicadas in the summer, I want to meet you


The popsicle-selling grandmother said her freezer was filled all summer


The cool midsummer breeze blows away the hot anxiety, the orange dusk embraces the mint dawn


It was so hot as if a spark would cause an explosion


Your smile is like the taste of the middle spoon of watermelon


The back seat of the bike and your clean clothes

二十一,因为你爱上这个夏末 我开始迷上你暖暖酒窝

Because you're in love with this late summer and I'm starting to fall in love with you warming your dimples

二十二,倦鸟急于归巢 从树梢划过 像流星坠入山河

Tired birds rush home and row through the treetops like meteors falling into mountains and rivers


The beginning of the story is a school opening ceremony, it is the taste of the end of summer and the heart of you

元蘑的做法大全家常(天冷学会这5道炖菜,每天炖一锅,全身都暖和) 深秋时节,天气越来越冷了,该吃东北大炖菜啦!这季节,满大街都是秋菜,品种多样,蔬菜新鲜,想吃啥就炖啥。今天给大家推荐5道典型的东北大炖菜,食材不限,荤素皆可,万物皆可顿哦!七七八八准备一大盆,细火慢炖一大锅,热气腾腾端上桌,一家人围在一起,热乎乎地一口下肚,驱寒暖胃又滋补,其乐融融,这才是家的味道。
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扇贝炒鸡蛋正宗做法(大海馈赠的美食) 吃这个菜之前,我们要先说一说原料,扇贝,是重要的海洋渔业资源之一,分布广泛,常见于潮间带到深海,其肉质鲜美,营养丰富。我们常见的扇贝有:海湾贝、虾夷贝、小红贝等,其中小红贝价格最为便宜,也是我们平常吃的最多的一个品种,主要来源于养殖,捕捞产量极少。网上经常看到的网红菜:粉丝蒸扇贝,都是新鲜扇贝制作的
2025-01-31 01:31:29