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100次浏览     发布时间:2025-01-04 09:18:02    


When emotions overflow into the ocean of Emo, it might be so gracefully posted on the circle of friends: The sea of heart is vast, each hiding waves, with thousands of perspectives, how can we seek the same resonance?


If the human heart is like a valley, there will be gains without greed; with full hopes, it is also necessary to prevent losses. All things in the world are given to those without greed, and too much expectation is easy to come to nothing.


If it is difficult to find the sound of resonance in all things, why bother to argue? There is no need to look forward to it anymore, and it is fine for each to be safe, that is a sunny day.


Some stories, just a visit here, is the best ending of the script, not dragging its feet, showing free and easy.


Learn to untie your heart, reduce unnecessary expectations, stop unrealistic fantasies, and let everything go naturally and smoothly.


Without experiencing it personally, how can you understand the pain of others? Summer insects cannot speak of ice, and only with empathy can we know the vastness of the world.


Life is like a river, each has its own ferry to cross; things in the world are like boats, and there is finally a place to feel at ease.


The wise move is to stop losses in time, and when the fate is over, turn gracefully and let the past go with the wind and the future is promising.


There is always unexpected warmth and endless hope in life. In the moment of Emo, you might as well look up at the starry sky and feel the tranquility and vastness.


Remember, your world is up to you. No matter in the wind and rain or in the sunshine, please carry a smile and keep moving forward.

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